Consti-tuition – Episode 4: Privacy

Privacy, mass surveillance and how to behave when there is a camera in your bedroom.

WrittenBy:NL Team
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Privacy is an inalienable fundamental right—which the Supreme Court confirmed last year—which is intrinsic to our Right to Liberty. But what does it really mean? Do we really need it? Can’t we all just get along like the residents of the Bigg Boss house?

In an age of rapidly evolving technology, where data is considered the new oil, we have to talk about and understand why it’s important to protect our Right to Privacy. If we don’t, we’re just handing over our personal lives and the key to controlling our behavior to powerful authority figures and private companies. Data, when collected in large amounts, will always be exploited by those collecting it. For instance, if you dump potatoes in front of CM Yogi Adityanath’s house, phones are going to be tapped to track you down, you hear?

Watch this episode where Meghnad breaks down privacy, mass surveillance and how to behave when there is a camera in your bedroom. Oh yes, and don’t forget to do the homework in the end!



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