NL Interviews: Vivek Agnihotri in conversation with an #UrbanNaxal

In which Abhinandan Sekhri tries to get to the bottom of that ubiquitous term, ‘Urban Naxals’.

WrittenBy:NL Team
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Abhinandan Sekhri talks to filmmaker, speaker and author Vivek Agnihotri about the concept of ‘Urban Naxals’, the news media, truth, untruth, RSS, Maoists, Bollywood, facts and fiction in a freewheeling conversation.

Watch the two agree on certain aspects of Naxalism, such as the fact that it wreaks havoc in villages and destroys lives. The two also discuss Agnihotri’s newfound career as a university speaker, the modern-day role of the Indian media as well as that of the government. They discuss the term ‘Urban Naxal’ popularised in Agnihotri’s book and its meaning at length. Is it merely someone Agnihotri isn’t too fond of?

Sekhri wonders if students are indeed as gullible and easy to brainwash as Agnihotri believes them to be? And who employs this tactic more effectively—the RSS or Naxals?

In a conversation that swings between many ayes and nays, do the two end the interview with a sulk or a handshake? Subscribe and watch the full interview here to find out.


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