
Shashi Tharoor files defamation suit against Arnab Goswami

Congress Member of Parliament Shashi Tharoor, filed a defamation suit against Arnab Goswami in the Delhi High Court today.

Tharoor, confirmed the CNNNews18 story on social media, saying that he had had enough of “his campaign of calumny”.

On 8 May,
Republic TV
released a set of audio tapes alleging that Tharoor, along with his assistant Narayan, made deliberate attempts to stall Sunanda Pushkar from talking to the media. Throughout the coverage, the channel alleged that Tharoor’s lies have been “caught”.

Condemning the coverage, Tharoor took to the social media, challenging Goswami to prove his “false claims in a court of law”.

Update: Goswami, however, remains undeterred about unearthing the “truth” about #SunandaMurderTapes. Here’s his response to Tharoor’s suit.