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LIVE: Protests erupt against Modi regime’s labour policies, citizenship law

Protests have erupted across India in response to a call by central trade unions for a nationwide strike against the Narendra Modi government’s “anti-labour policies”. These policies have harmed 80 crore people, the Centre of Indian Trade Unions has said. The Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, which is affiliated with the Sangh Parivar, is not participating in the strike.

The unions are demanding employment, education and health for all; minimum wages of Rs 21,000 per month; remunerative prices for farm produce; and an end to privatisation of public assets. They are also calling for the withdrawal of the new citizenship law, against which people across the country have been protesting since last month. 

Also read: JNU violence: Inside the WhatsApp group that ‘coordinated’ the mayhem

Starry evening: When Deepika Padukone enlivened a JNU protest, and kicked up a media storm

‘This is a festival of democracy’: What it’s like to Occupy Gateway of India for two nights

The national capital of Delhi also saw protest demonstrations and marches, including by students, against Sunday’s mob attack at Jawaharlal Nehru University.

Here are the latest updates.

More than a hundred students of St Stephens’s College boycotted their classes and gathered inside their campus to march towards Delhi University’s Arts Faculty building to extend their solidarity to the students and teachers protesting at JNU.