NL Dhulai

Hafta letters: Hitler’s 1,000-year Reich, Pune car crash, election coverage

Last week’s letter:

Dear Newslaundry team,

I hope this email finds you well and adequately caffeinated. As a faithful subscriber who relishes your unique blend of humour and hard-hitting journalism, I have a burning question that’s been keeping me up at night (besides my neighbour’s late-night karaoke sessions).

Recently, I’ve been pondering over Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ambitious 1,000-year vision for India. It got me thinking (and worrying) about certain historical parallels. You see, there was this other guy, with a similar time frame in mind, who kind of left a bad taste in history’s mouth. Yes, I’m talking about the moustached man himself – Hitler and his 1,000-year Reich.

So, here’s my question: If the BJP manages to win the upcoming election with a colossal majority, say 400+ seats, what do you think will happen? Will Modi’s India start looking suspiciously like Hitler’s Germany, minus the lederhosen and pretzels, of course? Are we moving towards a future where the national dress code mandates khaki shorts and every citizen must own at least one saffron-coloured kurta, while also being required to raise their hands at a 45-degree angle?

Inquiring minds (and mildly panicked citizens) want to know! Your insights would be greatly appreciated, preferably delivered with your trademark wit that makes even the most serious issues a tad more digestible.

PS: If things do get too dystopian, do you think we could convince Bollywood to remake “The Sound of Music” with an Indian twist?

Yours sincerely,

Noaman Khan


This week’s letters:

The Pune hit-and-run incident is a good argument for taxing the rich severely. Too much wealth concentration leads to too much power in the hands of a few. If one makes the argument that this would lead to flight of capital and rich people, I would say, good riddance. At least these people won’t be here to mow down others with their expensive killing machines and later on subverting the law with their wealth and influence. Having said that, I still feel every human deserves a chance to redeem themselves, especially kids. If anyone deserves exemplary punishment in this case, it is the teen’s enablers.

BTW, Amitabh Bachchan too has used the word ‘aukat’ in films. For instance in the film Lawaaris.



Dear Newslaundry team, 

First of all, I want to congratulate you on the brilliant work and reporting you all did during the elections. This kind of journalism becomes essential in the times when legacy media is reaching new lows each day. 

Secondly, my question to you is regarding the conduct of the ECI during these Lok Sabha elections. From not holding leaders accountable, despite the constant venom-spewing, to a delay in providing voter turnout numbers. 

This current ECI has put a blot on the legacy of the likes of the legendary TN Seshan. How do you see this development? While I wouldn't like to think of an overt political pressure on them, I find it hard to explain why else a constitutional body with all the safeguards would find itself in such a position. Have we already reached a point where, barring the judiciary, no constitutional body is actually independent? What are your thoughts?




I just paid for a one year NL+TNM subscription. And I did that through a web browser rather than the app.

Question: What percentage of the subscription amount is taken by Google or Apple every time we pay through the mobile phone app? I am assuming it is between 15 percent and 30 percent. Please correct me if I am wrong.

If the above assumption is true, then I have a message for all my fellow subscribers...Please try to renew your subscriptions through a web browser rather than the mobile app. Remember that the government also charges 18 percent GST on your subscription payments, so a large percentage of the subscription amount doesn’t reach NL if you pay through the app.




I am writing to appreciate NL’s outstanding election coverage. It is so diverse, widespread topics are covered, the guests interviewed were from such varied backgrounds. I want to specifically mention that the interviews of Vyomesh Shukla and Suman Chattopadhyay were eye opening for me. Also, the Newsance episodes during this election session have been amazingly done with some serious acting and creativity by the NL team. I have also contributed my small share towards the election results fund. Keep up the great work. All the best.

Anuradha Solapure


Was pained to hear Pratik and Faye's comments on the Pune Porsche incident.

There is no necessary connection between law and morality. A law that gives effect to a moral rule is law not because of its moral content but because it has been constituted in a particular fashion born of a definite procedure and a definite rule of law. Moral prescriptions derived from purely philosophical speculation have no force as rule unless they gain currency in society.

What has gained currency in our country in the last few decades and definitely in the Modi era? If you have the power, you can do anything. Jiski laathi, uski bhains

People threaten to kill on a video and release it on the internet, use anonymous accounts to troll, people get paid to like angry and stupid comments on the internet, come out of a conviction and get garlanded or worse, given a ticket in the elections, given positions of eminence and power, women assault stories are planted only to harm the opponent’s electoral chances. 

I am convinced now, like Modi, that he has God’s particle in him...that all this has been seen, witnessed, experienced and lived earlier. There are examples of Modi, Shah, Ajay, Rahul, Kharge, Mamta, and Kejriwal in the past. Same old. Same old.  

Love the work that The News Minute and you guys do. Thank you. Would love to see Ravish Kumar, Karan Thapar, Saurabh Dwivedi, Amit Varma, Sakshi Joshi and Ranting Gola on your shows.

Renu Jha